Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fish with three purées

This is red snapper over a bed of three purées: beetroot, sweet and purple potato. Bathed with a beurre blanc sauce and garnished with potato curls. The flavors are subtle and sweet, they accentuate the flavor of the red snapper, the fish is perfectly cooked, it melts in your mouth. This is one of the many great creations made in the Culinary Arts Academy by the students.

Here we have three pictures of the same plate, each one with different angle and close-up. It is good to see how these simple movements and decisions affect the final result. It was also needed to add more light in an after process since the room was poorly lighted.

Blossoming at spring time

Another kind of flowers start to blossom here at bouveret. And with the soft lighting of the sunset this flowers are the focus of the camera leaving behind their surroundings.

Sunset at Bouveret

All these pictures were taken at the harbor in Le Bouveret, here we can see the different textures that compose this beautiful sight: the dock, the waves over the water, the clouds, the rocks, the mountains and the lonely tree.

In this caption we have different elements at different distances this provides depth. But the center of this picture is the sunset and the rays if light going through the sky and reflecting in the lake.

The endless lake

The light post and the flowers oversee the flow of people at the harbor.

And a family of ducks swim across the lake, the soft light of the sunset only provides the silouttes of the animals, but gives life to the water. Everything with a pink and purple background.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Smoked salmon with avocado mousse

If we select a specific area of the picture and then adjust the brightness and contrast, we can obtain a completely different photo than the original.

This is the base picture we used:

And this one is the adjusted with the  iphoto program:

Monday, June 10, 2013

Home at 51

The stay at home 51 is almost at its end.

Life in Bouveret

The shining of the sun brings life.

The reflection of the sun in the water brings out the movement of the waves and highlights the clarity and transparency of the lake. And the white swan is also another bright element of the picture. The contrast of textures of the water, the stones and the animals gives harmony to the caption.

Back at Bouveret

The sun is finally visiting Bouveret and with this visit a completely different look surfaces.

The light reflects nicely in the water of the lake and the ray of sun hit the bench and the grass. The light of this picture is a bit overpowering but it does not bother, it gives more warmth and serenity to the whole scene.

Mighty lion

This is one of Luzern's beauties. An extraordinary sculpture that inspires tragedy and greatness.

The central focus of this picture is the lion, but in order to give an impression of its greatness it was also captured the nature that surrounds it: the water, the white stone wall and the trees on the left.

The nature takes over

This gray structure comes to life with this lovely plants, giving a romantic hint

The eye in the sky

Even though this picture may not have the best lighting, the sun between the clouds makes it really special.

The path is divided in water and concrete, but both takes you to downtown Luzern.

Seeing the horizon

This picture locates you in front of the beautiful lake, the angle makes it endless. The light coming through the clouds is the main point of the right side of the picture and the strutuctures on the left give balance to the picture.

Flowers perspective

The purpose of this picture is to see from the perspective of the flowers. Watch the never ending field of flowers, the inmense show of the clouds above and the grand dimension of the trees.

Warmth in the cold

The angle of the photography gives the impression of a never ending garden. The trees break the horizontal line of the image and gives continuity to it.

Flower fields in Luzern

Luzern's sight of the lake

Here we see a bright and warm construction in a otherwise gray day.

The construction is located in the left side of the photography to give the sense of depth with the "endless" lake. And the reflection on the water brings the picture to life, giving movement to an otherwise still caption.

Trip to Luzern

As part of our school's program we enjoyed a trip to Luzern to another of our campuses. Here we had the opportunity to work with chocolate and assemble a showpiece made only with CHOCOLATE.

Sunset at the lake

The winter starts to fade away

Honey Glazed Crêpes

Delicious and simply presented crêpes.

The plate reflects the shinning of the light, this refection brings out also some shadows and gives depth to the dish.

Fine dining at César Ritz

Here is another marvelous dish prepared by the students of the Culinary Arts Academy.
Beef tartar:  with cappers, egg yolk and roasted cherry tomato.

The light is subtle but enhances the colors of the plate and gives a glossy shine to the egg yolk, tomato and the plate. The angle of the picture allows to see the round shape of the tartar tower, nothing is flat to the sight.

Bouveret in winter time

Here we can see the lake and the mountains that surround Le Bouveret

The photo is missing more light but the reflection on the water and the mist give the impression of movement and distance.

Pensée Flowers

These flowers cover the gardens of Bouveret in winter time. This picture is an attempt to express the beauty and joy of the bright colors in a cold time.

The objective was to highlight the flowers and keep in the back their environment. The subtle light of a dim day brought out the colors of the flowers.